The Golden Heart Express


Too often, children in black and brown communities have to grow up without their father. While there are a few reasons for this, this program focuses on those whose fathers were victims of gun violence. Most kids are under the age of ten when they lose their father. The Golden Heart Express focuses on helping to show children who experience loss something positive.

The idea is similar to that of the Polar Express where the first gifts of Christmas are given. Santa visits these kids before Christmas by traveling on the Golden Heart Express to gift them a gold heart locket with a picture of their loved one lasered inside.

While children who experience the loss of a loved one to gun violence is our focus, other children are invited to the program as well. Santa and Mrs. Claus interact with the guests. Elves play different holiday themed games at tables. After the first gifts are given to our honorary guests, every child in attendance gets to receive an early present from Santa.

We have served over 100 kids with this program since starting and there have been five recipients of gold heart lockets.

Do you know a child who has lost a parent or young sibling to gun violence? Have their guardian register them using the link below. Would you like your child(ren) to join us for a fun day with Santa? You can register them as well!

If you would like to donate towards this event, please do so by clicking here.

The Golden Heart Express

Register your child today!